- Java Hello World Program and Programming Style
- Primitive Data Types and Operations in Java
- Java Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User)
- Java Program to Add Two Integers
- Java Program to Swap Two Numbers
- Java Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder
- Java Program to Calculate Surface Area of a Regular Tetrahedron
- Find the Largest Among Three Numbers in Java
- Declaring an Array in Java
- Generate a Random Array of Integers in Java
- Java in Program to Find the Largest Number in an Array in Java
- Java Program to Calculate Sum & Average of an Array
- Java Program to Search Key Elements in an Array
- Matrix in Java
- Convert Two Dimensional Array into One Dimensional Array in Java
- Java if, if...else Statement
- Java if, if...else Statement Examples
- Java Program to Check Whether a Given Number is Even or Odd
- Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative in Java
- Java Program to Implement Insertion Sort
- Java Program to Implement Selection Sort
- Merge Sort in Java using Divide and Conquer
- Quick Sort in Java using Divide and Conquer
- Binary Search (Recursive and Iterative) in Java
- The n-queens Problem in Java
- Infix to Postfix Conversion using Stack in Java
- Implementing Linked List in Java using Array
- Find Maximum and Minimum Element in Array using Divide and Conquer in Java
- Array implementation of Queue in Java
- Implement a Stack Using an Array in Java
- Convert a Decimal Number to Binary Number using Stacks in Java
- Java Program to Solve Knapsack Problem
- Convert Decimal to Octal Using Stack in Java
- Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal using Stack in Java
- Java Program to Display Square Numbers
- Find Factorial of a Number in Java
- Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not in Java
- Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not
- Convert a Given Decimal Number to Binary in Java
- Nested for loop to print the pyramid and pattern in java
- Java Program to Display Factors of a Number
- Display Fibonacci Series in Java
- Generate Multiplication Table in Java
- Calculate the Power of a Number in Java
- Bubble Sorting in Java
- Java Program to Find the Data of Birth of Given (New/Old) National Identity Card(NIC) Number
- Java program to check whether a string is a Palindrome using stack and queue
- Java Program to Implement the Dynamic Programming-Rod Cutting
- Simple Calculator in Java
- Calculate Yesterday and Tomorrow Date without using Calendar in Java
- Add Two Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arrays in Java
- Subtract Two Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arrays in Java
- Sparse Matrix Operations in Java
- Java Program to Find All Anagrams of Word
- MD5 Hash Value of a String in Java
- Bloom Filter to Test whether a Given Word is in a Set Java using MD5 Hashing
- Convert Roman Numerals to Integer/Decimal Numbers in Java
- Java Program to Find Day of the Week for a Given Date
- Java Program to Calculate Age from Date of Birth
- Generic Type in Java
- Find Factorial of a Number Factorial in Java
- Java Program to Check if a given Number is Perfect Number
- Java Program to Find the Perimeter of a Circle, Rectangle and Triangle
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